Boucle, a recently disgraced potionmaker, hosts a cooking show as part of his community service hours to regain his potion making license. In the show, he teaches the viewer how to make hummus! What could possibly go wrong?
Written, filmed, and edited by me. Script available here.
Some may question the wisdom of launching a cigarette product during a respiratory pandemic, but those folks don't smoke Dandy Smokes! A faux commercial featuring an existing, established character.
Written, filmed, and edited by me, in collaboration with a friend. Script available here.
A small-town necromancer finds herself out of work during the Plague. In a how-to style clip, Auntie Hexel teaches you another way to bring lost soles back to life... Sockromancy!
Script available here.
In The Lair of the Spider Queen
A lighthearted take on a fairytale-type story. A young damsel seemingly finds herself lost in the woods, while a mysterious creature spies on her from afar.
Script available here.